The Flower Lab

Florist at Megara with the most beautiful and fragrant flowers.

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Passion Bouquet


Passion Bouquet Xl


Pink Bouquet


Pink Bouquet Xl


Red Bouquet


Red Bouquet Xl


Spring Bouquet


Spring Bouquet Xl

Florist iat Megara with the most beautiful and fragrant flowers. Here you will find bouquets, dried plants and for your other half there are forever roses and rose bears.

See similar stores


Vizantiou 3

19100 Megara

See map

Delivery times

Monday09:00–14:00, 17:00–22:00
Tuesday09:00–14:00, 17:00–22:00
Wednesday09:00–14:00, 17:00–22:00
Thursday09:00–14:00, 17:00–22:00
Friday09:00–14:00, 17:00–22:00
Saturday09:00–14:00, 17:00–22:00
Sunday09:00–14:00, 17:00–22:00

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